Monday, February 22, 2016

That Pedal Show - Youtube

One of the most helpful explanations of how fx work with different amps! A must for any Fender/Marshall owner.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Rat Guitar Pedal - Classic Distortion

Quote- After trying the Rat with my wah, it sounds as if they were made for eachother; the sometimes shrill quality of the Dunlop wah is balanced with the smooth and thick distortion (bordering on fuzz) of the Rat. My chorus blends equally as well, particularly when the EQ is slanted towards high freqiencies (take a look at any Boss chorus, you will see what i mean)

Note_ Upon getting a standard modern Big Muff Pi I now see this as a better alternative to working with a wah and a type of distortion.  It is really sensitive but you have to have your single coils hot!