How the Mod went:
It was a Mod of a Mod. It started with the intention of converting the unit to "9v" from 16.
However, upon opening up I found a horrible sloppy job of a mod/wiring. There was a huge led
connected to directly to the powersupply with simply a resistor and later I noticed there was a pot broken which controls the flerb*.
So what I did first of all was to test it and make sure it worked. It was ok. Really noisy and the flerb knob didn't do much. the additional switch turned on an extra led but had little effect on the sound other than adding a lot of noise and a huge POP when you switched it. Next I realized the main switch was faulty and had to be hit several times to get the effect to trigger.
The Fix -
So first I replaced the cheap plastic 3dpdt switch with a good one I already had for a fuzz I'm building.
Next I wired it and cleanup up the wiring and made it real neat and clean! Next I realized the mod that added a control for the flerb depth/amount was snapped! I then got ambitious and took a knob from my
old joyo fuzz and got it to fit on the board well. The effect now was totally controllable.
However, now with it all fixed I noticed a lot of noise and a loud pop with the alternative switch. This was due to the no capacitor on an unnecessary led with a switch that simply added voltage to some type of true bypass of the effects. So I then decided to remove this high noise useless led and it removed the pop significantly and the noise was minimal!
The Result!
We now had a excellent reverb that could rival a good fender springverb and come up with some great cathedral settings that were great to make you less inhibited when soloing! The Flerb knob and effect were great! They seemed to blend a type of chorus/flange with the reverb and this knob effected the amount and depth a bit. It really got along well with the reverb. I thought this would be great on all types of effects loops despite a little noise. A great mod but for the strange extra switch which resulted in some kind of subtle clean boost! Over all it was a fun afternoon/night for me and I got my hommie's extra Big Muff for payment!