Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Followup on a Handmade Vintage Overdrive Pedal I purchased locally!

Such an odd design with some very rare parts! It was said to be done with the help of some people from Voodoo Labs.  I hesitated to purchase it but was surprised to have a nice very transparent OD that functions much like a fuzz.  It was told to me by Fool Audio Research that although the board design couldn't be identified, it contained the transistor from the Super Fuzz classic pedal.  Hmm... All I know is it doesn't overload with gain like a lot of modern boss/ibanez overdrives and works awesome with a well tubed amp!  The missing link in my setup, eSpecially if I am going to play live!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Cool new Pedal from Fool Audio Research

This is an Octave Fuzz done with a GGG schematic and a rare and larger Transformer to help create the effect.  I was in correspondence with the designer on facebook and I suggested he post it for sale and I went ahead and got it.  It was one of two different types.  The other was smaller and with a Mad Bean board he said.  He also powder coats the enclosures so they come out beautiful! Funny story, he did them in a tent with a mask in his yard!  I really liked the vintage knobs and green led.  I added this temporary TMNT tattoo as the decal.  I may clear coat it if I want to keep the decal.  A very interesting sound too.  The left knob is for Impedance/bias and the other are standard.  You can even get Octave without much fuzz too which I like.  I call it my tibetan chant pedal for melodies.  I'm still working on what I can do with it but I figure I may need a solid state amp to tear up with this bad boy, Its wild like the shredder on the sticker!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cool Diy Fuzz Pedal I picked up at the local Music Trade Shop!

This is by far the cleanest OD I have ever heard.  No OpAmp and low enough gain to work well with my Hot Rod Amp.  It turns out the transistors in it are the ones used in the SuperFuzz Classic Pedal.  However it uses all vintage parts like a good Jimi Hendrix JHF-1 and was handmade with the help of some guys said to be from Voodoo Labs!  More pics later!  Worked great in a Jam or two this weekend.  Totally sweet to push the Tubes of your Amp at both low and high settings!

Cool Find at local Pawn!

This was my answer to the cheap Zoom! This one looks more solid than the Zoom and Boss is pretty cool with its Song Mode.  I laid it away! Not sure if I will keep it or give it away as a gift?

Zoom Boom Tat Machine

I got this little guy to fix from my cousin.  An interesting little drum machine.  Turns out it was mostly just the power adapter that needed replaced but I got to know an interesting new type of drum machine that was designed with drummers in mind.  Zoom not too good on this one again because it looks like it got overloaded with patterns too quick and the Song mode glitches out.  Not enough memory I assume.  I told him to restore it to defaults and try not to overload it.  Maybe overdub the rolls and syncopations?

Silvertone Amp repair

Cool gig replacing a potentiometer on a Silvertone Small Amp.  Very sturdy little guy with a decent design!  Only I got a guitar like knob style so Im confused what type of knob to match it with???

oh ya Im back!

Hey, I may be swamped with research but I have been stocking up on new electronic parts and designs this whole time! ;)