This one took a while, but I finally got to it! It is an original style Silicon Fuzzface following the schematic pretty much to a T! The resistors are metal film and the capacitors are high gradio and for audio. I got most of the parts online from sites like Mammoth Electronics. I handwired everything and had a lot of fun getting all the parts to fit on this little circuit board too! Overall it sounds clean and can go from a really transparent overdrive to a super gnarly distortion due to its semi high gain bc108 transistors!
HI! This is my blog dedicated to my electronic/musical endeavors. I build pedals, do basic repairs, fix amps/synths/pedals/mixers/drum machines etc. Ultimately, I put all my inspirations and descriptions of the work I am up to here. Tommy V.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Hey all, fyi I got a lot of new repairs, mods, and customs to post about here soon!
Its been a while, but since school has been out for summer I finally got some time and have been building a pedal, modding a couple things, and rebuilding guitars! Plz stay posted for progress!
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