Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dizzle's Acoustic

I did so much to this guitar over the years! For good and for bad.  It was my brother's in high school, and later my I picked it up when he left it at my dad's.  I unfortunately tuned it too high and messed up the bridge and got it a belly bulge!  Later, when I enrolled in guitar at Utep again I began to restore it.  It was bad.  The action was like 1/2 ".  I then took off the bridge with a hot knife I believe.  The bulge was bad, so I scraped and gouge out the guitar to make a level surface.  Then I got a new bridge and wood glued it and wood filled the surrounding area.  I used deep C clamps from Lowe's to adhere it to wood. I also filed a new nut for the neck to make the height of the string action sublime! Also, I filed down the huge frets to strat modern level.  Very smooth!  When it was all done I never painted it though.  I used it for the last part of the semester in my Utep guitar class and passed my final with it all ratty looking!  Later, I got my Ibanez steel string and it was set aside for a while...  Then, this past spring I saw my good friend Dizzle was in need of something to practice on and I hooked him up as he did me a lot of times!  This was contingent that he would actually paint it with the stain I had for years for it.  A week later it was his!  No worries tho, my bro still has my original Yamaha from High school so he is cool!

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