Sunday, June 26, 2016

Opening up used pedals at the local music shop!


  1. It's crazy what you can find in your basic locally owned music shops in the middle of nowhere! For the first pics I was checking out the TS9 he had because he didn't know if it was really valuable due to it being made in Japan. Unfortunately, this is not Boss but Ibanez and Ibanez did make reissues in Japan with less than favorable parts as well. I had to do a lot of research online via Analogman's tubescreamer history page to find the disappointing results. I researched it for a few nights and saw it had a cheap chip in it that was like TI57888888? or something. Analogman pointed out that this chip was not to rare and he had millions of them which were good for low noise tech applications. NEway, thats an easy swap. Later, I looked really close at the labels. I noticed then that all the older black label and silver label pedals had rare items such as maxon boards and what to look for. This one had a modern ibanez board and battery cover. The final thing that made me realize it was just another reissue is it had a 7 digit number unlike the 6 I believe that the older had. The price went from possibly up to 400 to 120 with Maxon board to 75 if you are lucky, but I hope to buy it for 55 if it doesn't sell and mod it!

  2. BUt! Long story short. The music store owner had recently acquired a few handwired pedals and he didn't know what they were. So I opened them up and fired them up with a cheap Tele imitation. They sounded Great! This one was a type of handwired distortion. I'm not sure which one but it looks a lot like a old Big Muff Circuitboard I've seen with a series of Transistors making a great saturated fuzz that was really sensitive and smooth! Any guesses? Sorry the other two pedals pics didn't save. One was a handwired Silicon fuzz much like a JHF1 but with three silver silicon bc108 type transistors instead of 2. The other was a real groovy type of germanium sounding overdrive that was even painted in a trippy handpainted flowery image. It had the dead all over it and it sounded awesome! This is why you don't go to the shop unless you got some dough to spare!!!
