Friday, December 22, 2017

Repaired an Old Squier 15 Watt mini blues amp!

The board had been Cracked on mounted Input Jacks!
A real vintage look for a formerly cheap lil amp.
I replaced the volume pot and also knob with a small Chickenhead knob!
I got my Dad to fit an old Woodcut I did in Art for missing backing!

    My friend gave me this amp that he had lying around that he said didn't make a sound.  Later, I disassembled it and found it had a damaged volume pot, but that wasn't the problem.  After replacing it with one of Mammoth Electronic's odd oversized pots I realized something was still wrong as there was no sound still.  It all looked good until I took the board out and flipped it upside down.  This time I cleaned the dusty old board well with an old toothbrush and rubbing alcohol.  Now that I could see the board better I noticed a crack on the board severing the connections coming from the inputs jacks.  So I used an exacto blade to scrape and expose the the cut copper path coming from jacks and soldered a bridge across using the legs of unused resistors I had. This solved the issue and now the amp works great.  It has some very interesting eq's and works as a good monitor in my tight apt area and with my my strat.  I read later that I can sheild those same two inputs better from the back to eliminate interference as well!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Guitar Parts for my Punk/Metal Custom Guitar!

I kmow what you are thinking!  Why use an old crusty used squire body thats looks like its made of plywood!  My theory is, 1 its solid, 2 its gana be a dual humbucker hard driven baby with the overdrive and distortion, and 3 to show you how electronics can really do the job when done properly to build your tone for a loud driven amp!
To be continued!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Yamaha G100 - 212ii on going repair job. Vintage `81 Solid State Guitar Amp

My Friend Jorge's Old Amp - Known for its New Order era bright sound!
Power Section that I am changing caps on in yellow board.

Old Leaky Smelly Ass Power Filter Caps!

Newly Installed Power Filter Caps, now much smaller than old production.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

LUis's Guitar

My friend from work Luis gave me this guitar with 2 broken tuners this summer.  It was aweful to try to tune it with plyers.  When I looked it up online I noticed it didn't seem to be pretty standard tuners.  They were cheap ones and cost 25 bucks just for one.  Fortunately, my guitar guy had a bunch of old japanese steel string tuners that I could take parts from.  This guitar is a classical so I just needed to attatch the classical posts and wheels to the steel string vintage tuners.  These were nice!  They are way more nostalgic looking and only needed a lil 3 in 1 oil and some tuning experience.  They look much better and I noticed the cheap Ibanez were converted into all these little pieces that were unnecessary crap!  Now I love Classical guitars too.  My friend didn't have the dough for the repair yet so I have been playing it in my apartment and in bed watching tv too.  The thin belly of these type of acoustic make it really cozy!  I even wrote a cool song that I performed one late night at a jam!

MOe's Guitar!

Heres a guitar I fixed up for my friend Moe! His nephew and niece really loved to see his newly working equiptment!

Before, Great Combo with CH1 Chorus!

Frets/board Cleaned and filed!

Pickups cleaned with lime/salt and scraper

Beauty! Gorilla tape the broken Pickguard!

I've got much better at crowning frets!

It was truely a great combo! Really Punk!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dizzle's Acoustic

I did so much to this guitar over the years! For good and for bad.  It was my brother's in high school, and later my I picked it up when he left it at my dad's.  I unfortunately tuned it too high and messed up the bridge and got it a belly bulge!  Later, when I enrolled in guitar at Utep again I began to restore it.  It was bad.  The action was like 1/2 ".  I then took off the bridge with a hot knife I believe.  The bulge was bad, so I scraped and gouge out the guitar to make a level surface.  Then I got a new bridge and wood glued it and wood filled the surrounding area.  I used deep C clamps from Lowe's to adhere it to wood. I also filed a new nut for the neck to make the height of the string action sublime! Also, I filed down the huge frets to strat modern level.  Very smooth!  When it was all done I never painted it though.  I used it for the last part of the semester in my Utep guitar class and passed my final with it all ratty looking!  Later, I got my Ibanez steel string and it was set aside for a while...  Then, this past spring I saw my good friend Dizzle was in need of something to practice on and I hooked him up as he did me a lot of times!  This was contingent that he would actually paint it with the stain I had for years for it.  A week later it was his!  No worries tho, my bro still has my original Yamaha from High school so he is cool!

Potential 1953 Gibson Amp

This amp here a music store owner had me scope out.  At first it was playing really nicely, really nice but eventually fizzled out.  My main job was to figure out what it was as I was aware how much work it would need.  Whoever fixes an amp this old should jus buy it!  Neway after searchin into the wee hours I found the amp to be from as far back as '53 and was almost identical layout and board and caps to old Gibsons! This matched the date on its old speaker.  It was not a Fender tweed as they hope but far more unique.  It even had a tremolo that had a knob called frequency and an odd mic input.  Very cool.

Friday, February 17, 2017

1st version of Jokerface Series Silicon Fuzz Pedals completed!

This was the impromptu station I put up to build/wire/and put in the new board for my new Jokerface series I built with parts mostly from Mammoth Electronics.  I got the BC108c transistors on ebay.  They tested very well.  This version of the Jokerface is made to be the most economical and for younger musicians that want to be able to afford a good Fuzzface type pedal without spending the hefty prices they go for.  It will be for sale on Reverb soon. I'll keep you all posted.  
-Mot's Mods

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Mot's Mods and Customs on their way!

 A cool 90's CH 1 I got on ebay!  Took forever but sounds great!  I got the mod kit from Monte Allums Mods already and am looking forward to see what it can do!  (You can also see the box with the MXR Phase 45 Diy  kit for the future)

I finally am ready to start putting in handwired boards on some cool original Joker Fuzz themed Fuzzface pedals I am creating.  These will be totally unique and I am custom designing.  I am going to finish these here at my apartment while going to college.  I will have the one in this photo done first before I do anything else!  I'm so stoked!  Stay posted...

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe reissue is a great amp after all!

I repaired one for a local shop!  A lot of work but it turns out that a hot biased amp burned out a Power Tube and next cooked the pads next to the infamous Cement Power Resistors and the 2watt one on the footswitch causing all sorts of trouble.  You can see the yellowing board on this pic!  The replacements you have to put standing off the board at least a quarter inch!  Its funny, but with a few replacement parts, this amp sounds as good as a boutique amp and can rival many expensive amps easily.  The clean tone and tube squeal when pushed is phenomenal!  I wouldn't have placed a Overdrive effect on this amp though.  It really overloads it .  Its better to just have one main volume and push the tubes with boost like effects!

You see those big caps! I am replacing those next!

Circuit Boards replaced the old Point to Point Wiring, I don't know why!

Cooked looking spot behind Cement Power Resistors

Cooked Resistor connecting footswitch and various switching functions.